These are the areas we know and are passionate about, in which we are committed to promoting innovation and sustainable development. Here is a preview of the areas that interest us:

Agritech and Foodtech
  • Agriculture 4.0: monitoring crops, precision and smart farming, digital transformation in agriculture, blockchain for the food production chain
  • New methodologies/technologies: fine-tuning and improving the efficiency of growing crops, reducing pollution, energy efficiency, hindering soil exhaustion, vertical/indoor farming
  • New raw materials/products: extracting and composting organic/natural substitutes for synthetic products in the food industry, new products for caring for and improving crops.
The circular economy and waste management
  • Recovery: recovery of raw materials and fertilisers from urban and industrial waste water, reusing purified waste water in agriculture, recovering biodiversity and natural capital
  • Economising: economising water, repairing leaks in water networks and sewers, blockchain applications, and traceability of refuse
  • Production: producing biogas from purified sewage sludge, the production of bioplastics, extracting water from the air, desalination technologies
  • Measuring impacts: systems and methodologies for gathering data for measuring carbon and water footprints, services for evaluating carbon credits
Technologies for sustainability in health care
  • Sustainable technologies: synthesis/extraction of molecules
  • Screening of medications and medical equipment: animal-free techniques
  • Reduction of consumables: in production processes and in therapies
IoT, infrastructure, and mobility
  • Immersive technology in Smart Cities: IoT for managing resources and the region, sustainable mobility
  • Green cities and city planning: solutions for slowing the discharge of water, green infrastructures, such as bioretention basins and rain gardens

We are committed to exploring and developing innovative solutions in these areas, contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and resilient future for everyone. Thank you for your interest and for taking part in our mission to promote innovation and sustainable development!